Right now, this area is dominated by the biggest town in the département: Jacmel. Its architecture is famous, but its fortifications are also worth visiting.  In this region, I'm also looking for pictures of: Moulin Price (Jacmel), Fort Cap Rouge and Fort Beliot (Jacmel), and Grottes de Savane Dubois (Paredo).

La Petite Batterie

This battery guards the east side of the bay, and I wonder if there is a twin on the other side.  This site was hard to find (at least in 2007).  It’s behind a field used to play soccer. Behind Kay Frere, take a right at the entrance to the cemetery and then a right at the large trash pile (really).  Old cannons at this site repainted silver. 

Fort Ogé

Fort Ogé is named for the early champion of–and martyr to–the Haitian Revolution, Vincent Ogé (or at least an early proponent for citizen’s rights for people from his own class: free people of color...).  A memorial to him, Chavannes, Makandal, and Boukman is in the Place d’Armes in Cap-Haitien.  This fort is about a 15-minute motercycle ride and an hour’s hike outside of Jacmel.  These pictures were taken during the weekly soccer game.

Jacmel general

Most of these photos were from 2007; all are pre-earthquake. I’ve included some more recent photos from 2017. Highlights include: Hotel Florita, Palais de Justice, and Manoir Alexandra. This famous hotel, now closed, was briefly named Hotel Hadriana, until the connections with Dépestre’s novel Hadriana Dans Tous Mes Rêves forced the owners to change the name.  Buildings are identified where possible.  ISPAN has done a number of bulletins on Jacmel since the earthquake: see # 10, #19, #20, #21, and #30.