While most visitors head to the Cote des Arcadins for the beaches, there are a number of historically important sites within easy reach (more if you include heading to the Arcadins' northern tip: St Marc).  In this area, I'm looking for the following sites: anything interesting in Cazale's cemetery evoking the Polish soldiers in its revolutionary past (I've heard mixed reports)?

Click below for Arcahaie sites, including birthplace of the Haitian flag

Fort Drouet and Habitation Lamothe

In the Delices region, in the mountains above Côte des Arcadins, Fort Drouet and Habitation Lamothe were recently made significantly more accessible by the new road between Cabaret on the coast and La Chapelle in the Artibonite valley.  ISPAN has marked it with signage, assigned caretakers, and written about it in a recent bulletin (see resources).  The fort is one of the string Dessalines envisioned lining the mountain chain, and I could just barely make out Fort Delpeche (see below) to the north. See the coffeehouses of Kotad link below for more photos (and a detailed post) of coffee houses in this region by Barry Procter.

Fort Delpeche

Less accessible than Fort Drouet, Fort Delpeche is just to the north.  Barry Procter kindly shared these photos below.  Right now, it is only accessible by a brave 4 x 4, but perhaps a motorcycle--and certainly a donkey or someone on foot--could make it too.  Barry estimated the route from the highway to the fort was 2 hrs; its inaccessibility means it is also in good condition, however.

Moulin Sur Mer

On the Côte des Arcadins at Montrouis, Moulin sur Mer is a beach resort and home to Le Musée Colonial Ogier Fombrun. Remains of a sugar-cane plantation (~1750) have been integrated into this resort.  There is a sugar mill outside the main building, of which the museum occupies the majority. There are a number of items from the time of slavery as well as the revolution.

Click here for link to Kotad/Cortade coffee houses: Dion, Sabourin, Latour, LaSaline (all photos by Barry Procter)